Jess Blair

Jess Blair is a Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath, Author and Public Speaker. Jess shares her passion and expertise for healthy living by helping them work through areas of concern such as hormone imbalances, weight concerns, sleep disturbances, skin conditions, nervous system conditions.

Living and Eating Seasonally This Autumn 2

Living and Eating Seasonally This Autumn

The temperatures are dropping, trees are shedding their leaves, and supermarkets are packed to the rafters with Easter eggs – it’s officially Autumn.   As the days get shorter and we transition into warmer clothes, the produce we find at our markets change too. Our summer fruits and vegetables like stone fruits and cucumbers become outnumbered by our autumn produce like rhubarb, eggplants and pumpkin. Wild mushrooms start to grow like crazy, and apples

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Health trends 2021

Health Trends that are here to stay

The impact of covid-19 and lockdown measures has highlighted new trends in different sectors, including daily healthy living.  While many health trends are usually short-time fads that eventually fizzle out, some of these changes will remain even in a post-pandemic world. Expensive detoxes, skinny teas, detox tablets. are a thing of the past (never should have been a thing at

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